Uterine prolapse is the most frequently reported cause of poor health among women of reproductive age and postmenopausal womeninthe large 2011 Nepal Demographic and Health Survey covering 12,674 women.1
Reported prevalence figures for POP in Nepal range from 10 to 39%.2,3,18 Differences in reported prevalence figures may originate from differences in study design, definitions, or methods such as: is study population size sufficient, is POP diagnosed on symptoms or is it clinical confirmed; are women attending a reproductive health care camp or is it population based, is a specific region covered or representative for the country?20
If we focus on the women at risk for POP, eg married women of reproductive age (15-49 years of age), about 10% have a clinical confirmed POP in the large population-based study with 2.070 women.2
Significant higher prevalence figures have been reported for specific regions, in particular the Eastern Terai and far West Nepal. These differences have been attributed to differences in access to health care, ethnic groups, working circumstances, religions and habits.
These studies confirm the high prevalence of POP in Nepal and indicate areas of specific attention.